Annual Academic Administrators Evaluation

Information and deadlines for the 2022-23 Annual Academic Administrators Evaluation in the Faculty Success Faculty Performance Evaluation System (FS-FPES)


  1. Evaluation Period: The evaluation period for the annual academic administrator evaluation is from July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023.
  1. Who is to be evaluated? Academic Administrators which mean faculty who have administrative, supervisory or management responsibilities in addition to their faculty appointment.  These are faculty with academic administrative appointments.  Typically, department chairs, associate deans, or program directors would be included in this evaluation. Note also that faculty who were on leave or sabbatical for part of the year must receive an evaluation.
  1. Evaluation Platform: A Reminder: The Annual Academic Administrator Evaluation is conducted in Faculty Success-Faculty Performance Evaluation System (FS-FPES). All academic administrators in all Schools and Colleges must use FS-FPES to complete this annual evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria

4. Evaluation Areas and Criteria: This evaluation has two parts for the academic administrator to complete.  The first part allows the academic administrator to include information and activities related to their role as a faculty member.   Faculty are evaluated using a variety of criteria in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service, as determined by the nature of the faculty appointment, FPES criteria adopted by the school/college, and the Faculty Handbook. These performance reviews are intended to promote faculty development; hence, the academic administrator performance evaluations should include discussion of any professional development activities.  The second part focuses on areas of responsibility as an administrator in the School or College.  

Faculty Self-Evaluation in Faculty Success

5. Faculty Self-Evaluation (Part 1): From July 10-July 31, 2023, the academic administrators should complete their Faculty Self-Evaluation and the academic administrator (Part 2) self-evaluation.  Complete or enter information in the Faculty Self-Evaluation (Part 1) if the academic administrator carried out any activities or responsibilities as a member of the faculty, e.g., teaching a class.  The Faculty Self-Evaluation in Faculty Success, which includes the Workplan, updated CV (can be automatically generated in Faculty Success) or upload a CV.  The Faculty Activity Report (automatically generated), and any other attachments (optional for academic administrator member) and a COVID-19 Professional Impact Statement (optional for academic administrator) in FS-FPES. The submission deadline for an academic administrator is July 31, 2023.



6. Workplans: The 2022-23 Workplans submitted by each faculty member in September 2022 to the Dean shall be uploaded in FS-FPES.  If an academic administrator did not submit a workplan to the Dean, then provide a brief explanation why there is no workplan under the heading “workplan” in Faculty Success.

Faculty Activity Report in Faculty Success

7. Faculty Activity Report: Faculty and academic administrators are expected to enter their activities in Faculty Success for the current evaluation period, July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. The deadline to input all faculty activities, if applicable, for academic administrators for this evaluation period is July 31,2023.

Student Evaluations for Spring Courses

8. Student Evaluations for spring courses will be available in Watermark Faculty Success by Monday, May 15, 2023.  Make sure that student evaluations is a part of the Faculty Self-Evaluation if the academic administrator taught any courses during this evaluation period. If the student evaluations are not automatically included in the Faculty Activity Report, the academic administrator can attach the evaluations to the Faculty Self-Evaluation form.

COVID-19 Professional Impact Statement

9. COVID-19 Professional Impact Statements: We continue to permit faculty to submit COVID-19 Impact Statements as part of the annual evaluation process.  Faculty are given the option to include a COVID-19 Professional Impact Statement for this evaluation period. A faculty member can submit this statement along with the Faculty Activity Report in FS-FPES. This statement can describe the ways in which the faculty member experienced disruptions due to COVID-19 or other impacts from the pandemic that affected teaching, scholarship or research, and service commitments both internally and externally. This statement may not only include negative disruptions, but also benefits or beneficial outcomes that occurred during the pandemic. The question being addressed in this statement is how has your professional life changed because of COVID-19? The statement should be no longer than 2 pages and this statement will be used by department Chairs and Deans to contextualize the faculty member’s performance and contributions for the 2022-23 academic year. See attached COVID-19 Professional Impact Statement for more guidance about this optional statement.

Academic Administrator Self-Evaluation Form (Part 2)

10. The second part of this evaluation includes an online evaluation of areas of responsibility for the academic administrator.  If the School or College uses a particular form to evaluate an academic administrator, then this form can also be attached and used as a part of the evaluation for a supervisor or academic administrator to support their performance as an academic administrator during this evaluation period.


If Academic Administrator Self-Evaluation is not submitted by July 31, 2023

11. The Faculty Self-Evaluation and Academic Administrator Forms will be forwarded automatically to the Dean in FS-FPES if the academic administrator has not already clicked the submit button by the deadline.  Once the Faculty Self-Evaluation and Academic Administrator Forms move forward then there is no opportunity to retrieve and complete the online Self-Evaluation. Complete your Faculty Self-Evaluation and Academic Administrator forms and add any attachments by July 31, 2023.

Evaluation and Meeting with the Dean

12. Academic Administrator Performance Evaluation by the Dean: The Dean completes an evaluation of the academic administrator in FS-FPES and meets with the academic administrator member to discuss this evaluation on or before August 31, 2023. If the academic administrator refuses to or fails to participate in the evaluation by, for example, failing to submit materials about 2022-23 faculty activities or self-evaluation of responsibilities as an academic administrator, then the Dean should complete the evaluation anyway. Note that the Dean should follow up with any academic administrator who does not submit materials to determine if there is a health or other issue related to COVID-19 that may be affecting their ability to respond. If so, this evaluation will need to be handled and resolved on a case-by-case basis. If not, then the academic administrator evaluation takes place.

13. Year-End Evaluation Meetings: As indicated in 12 above, every academic administrator is expected to have a year-end evaluation meeting with the Dean. The Dean shall schedule the meeting with each academic administrator to review the evaluation. The meeting can be held in person, in Teams or Zoom. Again, the deadline for the Dean to complete these meetings is August 31, 2023.


Academic Administrator Response to the Evaluation

14. Academic Administrator Response: After the meeting, the academic administrator will acknowledge in FS-FPES that the meeting was held. The academic administrator’s electronic signature is an acknowledgement that the evaluation took place. If the academic administrator disagrees in part or in whole with the evaluation, there is also space provided in this FS-FPES form for a written rebuttal. Faculty FS-FPES Faculty Responses due: September 8, 2023.  The Academic Administrator Response automatically moves forward to the Dean after the deadline whether or not the academic administrator has provided a response.

Dean's Responses

15. Dean’s Responses:

  • In FS-FPES, Deans review the Academic Administrator’s Response, including, where applicable, a written rebuttal. Deans may provide additional comments in this FS-FPES form. If an academic administrator fails to e-sign the evaluation in FS-FPES, then the Dean will indicate on this form that the evaluation was shown to and discussed with the academic administrator, but no signature was received.
  • All Deans shall submit their response forms to the Office of the Provost through FS-FPES no later than September 15, 2023. Again, the same deadline is used for all evaluations of academic administrators and applies to Deans in Schools and Colleges with and without Departments.
  •  If you have questions related to the Academic Administrator evaluation process, send an email to Faculty Success Helpdesk (