Welcome to the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, & Assessment!
Welcome to the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CETLA) at Howard University! Our center is dedicated to fostering dynamic learning environments that empower both educators and students to achieve their highest potential. At CETLA, we believe that excellence in teaching and learning is essential to developing the distinguished and compassionate leaders who will serve our nation and global community. Through our professional development initiatives, we strive to equip faculty with innovative strategies across all modalities—face-to-face, hybrid-blended, and online—to enhance the learning experience for our diverse student population.
I invite you to explore our resources and connect with our community as we work together to advance Howard University's legacy of excellence. The work we do at CETLA is more than professional development—it's about transforming learning experiences and environments for our students, who remain at the heart of our mission. Whether you're seeking to enhance your teaching practices, incorporate new technologies, or design more inclusive learning environments, our team is here to support you on your journey. I hope the resources, workshops, and collaborative opportunities available through our center will inspire you to innovate and excel in your educational endeavors.
Dr. Morris Thomas
Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

In this thought-provoking episode of the AI Education Podcast, host Humberto Hernandez and co host Susan Arnold engage in a dynamic conversation with Dr. Morris Thomas, a prominent expert in digital and online learning, instructional design, and inclusive education. Together, we examine how artificial intelligence is transforming the educational landscape, offering practical strategies for educators and administrators to address challenges and seize opportunities. Dr. Thomas shares insights into applying AI to bridge educational gaps, enhance accessibility, and empower diverse learners.
Click here to access this podcast

If you would like to learn more about this exciting industry and body of knowledge, consider enrolling in this course: Project Management Essentials via Coursera. [NO COST TO ENROLL].
Click here to learn more and enroll

The US Department of State selects Howard University's Dr. Morris Thomas to host an International Delegation for Digital Learning Excellence Engagement
Access the complete article

Howard University's Dr. Morris Thomas, is featured in one of D2L's Master Classes: Engaging and Inclusive Learning Environments
In this D2L Master Class, host Dr. Cristi Ford (VP, Academic Affairs at D2L) is joined by Dr. Morris Thomas (Assistant Provost, Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Assessment at Howard University) to explore ways that educators can build upon and expand the inclusive practices they already have in place in their blended and online classrooms.
Dr. Thomas will dive deep into his E.N.H.A.N.C.E. Learning Model for supporting the academic and social aspects of learning environments, and participants will have the chance to experience best practices for teaching for inclusion before applying concepts to their own work.